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new Majirelle albm available through our shop

As some of you may know, a part of the italian region around Modena and Ferrara has been hit by an earthquake early this spring. Our great friends of Fooltribe where about to release the new record from singer Majirelle but most of their houses are now unusable.
We're happy to help them and our friend Majirelle keeping her new record in our shop while they can't operate from home.

Some words on the new album:
MUSIC FOR ROOS is an ode to confusion. You can find nervousness and calm, wait and fulfillment, expectations and hope, lots of details and a series of obsessions in this flow of music structured into dreamy, but very real, songs. This music has been recorded in 2 days, 1 in Milan at Ca' Blase' and 1 in Rotterdam. The record sees some guest appereance from Rella the Woodcutter and Raubaus
Produced by Fooltribe concerti e Dischi.

You can order Majirelle new record from our shop, for any info you can contact Isabella at Indipendead Promotion: press@indipendeadagency.com